Friday, October 19, 2012


 Tough kid, all smiles before we found out he had a buckled fracture aka broken wrist.
 The morning we went to get his hard cast. I had to treat him to his favorite bagel place.
 Waiting for his hard cast.
 He was so nervous but did so well. I am so proud of him.
So, Cole broke his wrist, not that we ever would of known the way he was acting. We are still not sure exactly what and how it happened. Here are the two ways we think it happened.

1. He went down the stairs in a laundry basket, only to have the laundry basket stop half way and him continuing to fly down the stairs landing on his wrist (JD may or may not have had a hand in this)! This was Saturday.

2. He was running at school and fell directly on his wrist. He did cry a cry I have never heard before but the crying stopped soon after and I thought nothing more of it. This was Tuesday.

On Wednesday, he rolled out of a play car at school and lightly fell on his wrist and was complaing to his teacher. Ms. Maggie noticed it was swelling and called me. This prompted me to call his doctor and away we went to see what was going on. As we sat waiting for the doctor, he seemed fine putting pressure on his wrist and was in great spirit. The doc came in felt his wrist and as soon as she hit a certain spot he let out a scream. The doc explained to me that some kids just have a higher tolerance for pain and sent us for a Xray. As soon as the xray came back the doc called us back into the room and low and behold Cole was one of those kids with a higher tolerance for pain. He had a buckled fracture aka a broken wrist. WHAT, I could not believe it. They splinted him and then set us up for a appointment the next day in Sacramento to get his hard cast. The next morning we woke up super early and Cole and I went to his favorite breakfast place and then headed down the hill for the hard cast. Cole did great. I could tell he was nervous but he smiled the whole time. He is now in his cast for 4 weeks. Which means no soccer or swim. This is a major bummer for Cole. We are counting down the weeks until our little man is all healed and everything is back to normal. Can't wait to blog about that! Oh what a week it was!

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