What a wonderful trip we had to Pismo. This is our 3 time this year and feel like Pismo is our 2nd home. We surprised Cole by having everything packed and ready to go and when I picked him up from school we told him we were headed to his favorite place on earth. Cole LOVES Pismo more than anywhere else we go. So much so, that the morning we had to leave he woke up at 4:00 am and asked if we were leaving, only to wake back up at 7:00 with tears in his eyes and his meltdown for 1 hour began. I mean hyper ventilating, screams, pleas to stay and the saddest face a mother has ever seen. JD and I joke that he will attend Cal Poly one day just to be close to Pismo. We would love to retire there one day! We want our babies to have Pismo as a second home. As always, we just relaxed and enjoyed eachothers company. JD had to go to a few meetings on two of the days and one of the days he was gone, I headed to the beach with Cole and Charly. I had the most amazing time with them. I laid out a blanket, laid myself down and watched just how different the two of them are. You see, Cole is my super clean little man and he loved the sand, just on his feet and that is pretty much it. He sat nicely on the blanket and his OCD kicked in when ever his dirty sister would even get a speck of sand on the blanket. My Charly Girl is one dirty baby. She must have eaten a pile of sand. I tried at first to stop the madness but after a while I gave up and off she went enjoying the grainy sand one handful at a time. It was a beautiful day and week and one I won't ever forget. The kids are getting easier and easier to take places and the memories we are making are what life is all about! The whole trip was amazing and we will be back in March! Pismo Beach you are my favorite place!
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