Life it the Pratt house has been BUSY! Here are some pictures of the last few weeks. With the Holidays fast approaching time just seems to fly by. Charly girl is full on walking now, which I love and find much more easier. Cole man is growing up way to fast and I sometimes have to remind myself that he still is only 3. Sometimes I swear he is 8. He is so smart and his athletic abilities are insane. We wonder what sport he will like the most and follow through with. The problem is he is good at everything.
We also just bought another house...YIPEE. It has been a long time coming. We sold our house in East Sac and have been staying at my parents since September. Our plan was to buy a house in El Dorado Hills, however we looked at a house around the corner from my parents and FELL in love with it. Plus, the kiddos have gotten so close to my parents and my parents to the kiddos how could we take that blessing away from them :-)! I will post pictures of my dream home once we get the keys. Cole will be switching preschools, which gives me anxiety, only because he has made some good friends at Busy Bees in EDH. He will now be going to a Montessori here in Placerville. He already has a friend that goes there and he is already excited about going to his new preschool with 2 playgrounds! I still can't believe we are buying a house around the corner from where I grew up but life changes and we want to raise our kiddos in a small town, with good friends and grandparents that adore them. Plus, the date nights we get every Tuesday while my parents watch the kiddos aren't bad either!
Life in the Pratt house might be busy but It is a wonderful life!